About Me

I am studying Computer Science at University of Exeter, and I have been a Software Developer at CRISIL Irevna since 2017. Passionate about developing and maintaining applications that use Python, C++, C, JavaScript. Expertise in Low latency, high-frequency applications for analyzing real-time data and reporting dashboards using Flask(Python), Django, JavaScript, Angular. I work on deep learning algorithms, and on open-source softwares for machine learning.

Here is the list of my recent projects:

  • CovidTrends: This interactive charts the new deceased cases of COVID-19 in the past week vs. the total deceased cases to date. When plotted in this way, exponential growth is represented as a straight line that slopes upwards. Notice that almost all states follow a very similar path of exponential growth.
  • Algorithm Visualizer: Application built using python flask to visualize different sorting algorithms. It shows the number of comparsions, user has freedom to choose the speed and elements to compare.